In questa pagina raccolgo alcuni materiali sul tema del case study/case history, sugli approcci al theory building, sulle modalità di data collection e data analysis collegati alla grounded theory negli studi di management e organizzazione, di marketing e nelle consumer research.

A) In occasione dell'Academy of Management Annual Meeting del 2016, Denny Gioia, Kathy Eisenhardt, Ann Langley e Kevin Corley hanno proposto delle interessanti riflessioni raccolte: 

  • in un documento pubblicato dal Journal of Management Inquiry, "Finding Theory-Method Fit: A Comparison of Three Qualitative Approaches to Theory Building", vol. 27(3), pp. 284-300;
  • in un video, "Theory-Method Packages: A Companion of Three Qualitative Approaches to Theory Building" (su Youtube), Showcase Symposium, Anheim (CA), Agosto 2016.

B) Su Organizational Research Methods, Gioia, Corley e Hamilton (2012, vol. 16, n. 1, pp. 15-31) hanno suggerito una rassegna piuttosto utile per inquadrare quello che è stato ribattezzato "Gioia Approach": "Seeking Qualitative Rigor in Inductive Research: Notes on the Gioia Methodology"

  • Anand, Gardner, and Morris, 2007, "Knowledge-Based Innovation: Emergence and Embedding of New Practice Areas in Management Consulting Firms", Academy of Managament Journal, 50(2), 406-428
  • Anand and Jones 2006, "Tournament Rituals, Category Dynamics, and Field Configuration: The Case of the Booker Prize", Journal of Management Studies, 45(6).
  • Balogun and Johnson 2004, "Organizational Restructuring and Middle Manager Sensemaking", Academy of Managament Journal, 47(4), 523-549.
  • Clark, Gioia, Ketchen, and Thomas 2010, "Transitional Identity as a Facilitator of Organizational Identity Change during a Merger", Administrative Science Quarterly, 55, pp. 397-438.
  • Corley 2004, "Defined by our strategy or our culture? Hierarchical differences in perceptions of organizational identity and change", Human Relations, 57, pp. 1145-1177.
  • Corley and Gioia 2004, "Identity Ambiguity and Change in the Wake of a Corporate Spin-Off", Administrative Science Quarterly49, pp. 173-208.
  • Dacin, Munir and Tracey 2010, "Formal Dining at Cambridge Colleges: Linking Ritual Performance and Institutional Maintance", Academy of Managament Journal, 53(6), 1393-1418.
  • Gioia, Price, Hamilton, and Thomas 2010, "Forging an Identity: An Insider-Outsider Study of Processes Involved in the Formation of Organizational Identity", Administrative Science Quarterly55, pp. 1-46.
  • Gioia and Thomas 1996, "Identity, Image, and Isssue Interpretation: Sensemaking during Strategic Change in Academia, Administrative Science Quarterly41, pp. 370-403.
  • Gioia, Thomas, Clark, and Chittipeddi 1994, "Symbolism and Strategic Change in Academia: The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Influence", Organization Science, 5(3), pp. 363-383.
  • Harrison and Corley 2011, "Clean Climbing, Carabiners, and Cultural Cultivation: Developing an Open-Systems Perspective of Culture", Organization Science, 22(2), pp. 391-412.
  • Kjaergaard, Morsing and Ravasi 2011, "Mediating Identity: A Study of Media Influence on Organizational Identity Constuction in a Celebrity Firm", Journal of Management Studies, 48(3), pp. 514-543.
  • Labianca, Gray, and Brass 2000, "A Grounded Model of Organizational Schema Change During Empowerment", Organization Science, 11(2), pp. 235-257.
  • Maguire and Phillips 2008, "Citibankers at Citigroup: A Study of the Loss of Institutional Trust after a Merger", Journal of Management Studies, 48(3), pp. 514-543.
  • Maitlis 2005, "The social processes of organizational sensemaking", Academy of Managament Journal, 48, pp. 21-49.
  • Maitlis and Lawrence 2007, "Triggers and enablers of sensegiving in organizations", Academy of Managament Journal, 50, pp. 57-84.
  • Mantere, Schildt, and Sillince 2012, "Reversal of strategic change", Academy of Managament Journal, 55, pp. 173-196.
  • Nag, Corley, and Gioia 2007, "The intersection of organizational identity, knowledge, and practice: Attempting strategic change via knowledge grafting", Academy of Managament Journal, 50, pp. 821-847.
  • Nag and Gioia 2012, "From common to uncommon knowledge: Foundations of firm-specific use of knowledge as a resource", Academy of Managament Journal, 55, pp. 421-457.
  • Poonamallee 2011, "Transforming realities—making the improbable possible: Reclamation of sacredness as a source of generative capacities", Journal of Management Inquiry, 20, pp. 242-262.
  • Pratt, Rockmann, and Kaufmann 2006, "Constructing professional identity: The role of work and identity learning cycles in the customization of identity among medical residents", Academy of Managament Journal, 49, pp. 235-262.
  • Ravasi and Phillips 2011, "Strategies of alignment: Organizational identity management and strategic change at Bang & Olufsen", Strategic Organization, 9, pp. 103-135.
  • Rerup and Feldman 2011, "Routines as a source of change in organizational schemata: The role of trial-and-error learning", Academy of Managament Journal, 54, pp. 577-610.
  • Rindova, Dalpiaz and Ravasi 2011, "A cultural quest: A study of organizational use of new cultural resources in strategy formation", Organization Science, 22, pp. 413-431
  • Stigliani and Ravasi 2012, "Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: Material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking", Academy of Management Journal, 55, pp. 1232-1259.
  • Thomas, Sussman, and Henderson 2001, "Understanding 'strategic learning': Linking organizational learning, knowledge management, and sensemaking", Organization Science, 12, pp. 331-345.

Metodologia della ricerca/Strategie di ricerca

  • Alvesson M., Skoldberg K. (2009), Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research, SAGE
  • Alvesson M., Karreman D. (2011), Qualitative Research and Theory Development. Mystery as Method, SAGE
  • Belk R. (ed.), (2006), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Bryant A., Charmaz K. (eds.) (2007), The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory, SAGE.
  • Charmaz K. (2006). Constructing Grounded Theory. A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis, SAGE.
  • Clegg S.R., Hardy C. (1999), Studying Organization. Theory & Method, SAGE.
  • Denzin N.K. (1978). The Research Act, McGraw-Hill
  • Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. (2005), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, SAGE.
  • Elsbach K.D., Kramer R.M. (eds.) (2016), Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research. Innovative Pathways and Methods, Routledge.
  • Glaser B.G., Strauss A. (1967), The discovery of grounded theory, Aldine
  • Goulding C. (2002), Grounded Theory. A Practical Guide for Management, Business and Market Researchers, SAGE.
  • Latour B. (2005), Reassembling the Social. An Introduction to Actor-Network- Theory, Oxford University Press.
  • Lincoln Y.S., Guba E.G. (1985), Naturalistic Inquiry, Sage
  • Mills A.J. et al. (2010), Encyclopedia of Case Study Research, Sage.
  • Strauss A., Colbin J. (2008), Basics of qualitative research: Technologies and procedures for developing grounded theory, SAGE.
  • Weick K.E. (1979), The Social Psychology of Organizing, 2^ ed., Addison-Wesley.
  • Weick K.E. (1995), Sensemaking in Organizations, Sage. 

Conoscenza Narrativa

  • Boje D.M. (2001), Narrative methods for organizational and communication research, SAGE.
  • Boje D.M. (2014), Storytelling Organizational Practices. Managing in the quantum age, Routledge.
  • Bruner J. (2005), La mente a più dimensioni, Economica Laterza Edizioni.
  • Czarniawska B. (1997), Narrating the Organization. Dramas of Institutional Identity, The University of Chicago Press.
  • Eco U. (2004a), Lector in fabula. La cooperazione interpretativa nei testi narrativi, IX ed., Bompiani.
  • Eco U. (2004b), Opera Aperta, VI ed., Bompiani.
  • Eco U. (2005), Sei passeggiate nei boschi narrativi. Harvard University, Norton Lectures, 1992-1993, VI ed., Bompiani. 
  • Polkinghorne D.E. (1988), Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences, SUNY.


  • Agar M. (1994), Language Shock. Understanding the Culture of Conversation, Harper Collina.
  • Agar M. (1996), The Professional Stranger. An Informal Introduction to Ethnography, 2th edition, Academic Press-Elsevier.
  • Bruni A. (2003), Lo studio etnografico delle organizzazioni, Carocci.
  • Garfinkel H. (1984), Studies in Ethnomethodology, Polity Press.
  • Kozinets R. (2015), Netnography: Redefined, 2nd Edition, Sage
  • Marcus G.E., Fischer M.M.J. (1999), Anthropology as Cultural Critique. An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences, 2^ Ed., Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
  • Van Maanen, J. (1988), Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography, University of Chicago Press 

Studi di caso/Storie organizzative

  • Anteby M. (2013), Manufacturing Morals: The Values of Silence in Business School Education, University of Chicago Press
  • Barley S., Orr J. (1997), Between Craft and Science: Technical Work in the U.S. Settings, Cornell University Press.
  • Barley S., Kunda G. (2004), Gurus, Hires Guns, and Warm Bodies: Itinerant Experts in a Knowledge Economy, Princeton University Press.
  • de Rond M. (2017), Doctors at War: An ethnographer's take of life and death in a field hospital, Cornell University Press.
  • Desmond M. (2016), Evicted. Poverty and Profit in the American City, Penguin.
  • Goffman A. (2014), On the Run. Fugitive Life in an America City, University of Chicago Press.
  • Khurana R. (2010), From Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of Management as a Profession, Princeton University Press.
  • Kunda G. (1992), Engineering Culture. Control and Commitment in a High-Tech Corporation, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
  • Latour B. (2002), La fabrique du droit. Une ethnographie du Conseil d’Etat, La Découverte.
  • McInerney P.-B. (2014), From Social Movement to Moral Market. How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market, Stanford University Press.
  • Orr J. (1996), Talking about machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job, Cornell University Press.
  • Rojas F. (2007), From Black Power to Black Studies. How a Radical Social Movement Became an Academic Discipline, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Starr P. (1984), The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The rise of a sovereign profession and the making of a vast industry, Basic Books